Saturday, January 26, 2013

Online Art Gallery of Nova Scotia French Acadian

Online Art Gallery of Nova Scotia French Acadian painter, Claude Edwin Theriault
The year of 2013 finds the artist completing work on the 5'X8' diptych painting oil on canvas. Entitled "The Aligning of the Heavenly bodies", the male nudes represent the various planets. Part of the zero point 2012 concept of the planetary alignment happen ing at the end of the year and Mayan Calender. The painting displays Northern Lights phenomenon of the Aurora Borealis with the earth seen below. View the video that depicts the making of the painting, and stand by for the soon to be published Amazon e book on the art of French Acadian painter Claude Edwin Theriault. Better yet visit my online Art Gallery of Nova Scotia French Acadian painter see what mainstream Publicly funded Art Galleries do not have. You may also view below; a play list of 20 videos that show the creative process of my work...